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Mary Naeem 18 - 04 - 2017 03:30 PM

يسوع التاريخ فى وثيقة غير انجيلية تعود للقرن الاول
يسوع التاريخ فى وثيقة غير انجيلية تعود للقرن الاول

الوثيقة اللى هنتكلم عنها النهاردة وانا اول مرة اقرا عنها لما كنت بقرا كتاب يسوع التاريخى تحمل اسم Mara Bar-Serapion

يقول عنها العالم جراى هابرماس فى كتابه يسوع التاريخى
The British Museum owns the manuscript of a letter written sometime between the late first and third centuries AD. Its author was a Syrian named Mara Bar-Serapion, who was writing from prison to motivate his son Serapion to emulate wise teachers of the past

هى بتعود لما بين نهاية القرن الاول والثالث وكاتبها سريانى يسمى Mara Bar-Serapion

وفى موقع الويكيبديا يقول عنها

Most scholars date it to shortly after AD 73 during the first century

معظم الدارسين يؤرخوها لما بعد سنة 73 بقليل

Van Voorst, Robert E (2000). Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence. Eerdmans Publishing pages 53-56

نص الوثيقة
What advantage did the Athenians gain from putting Socrates to death? Famine and plague came upon them as a judgment for their crime. What advantage did the men of Samos gain from burning Pythagoras? In a moment their land was covered with sand. What advantage did the Jews gain from executing their wise King? It was just after that that their kingdom was abolished. God justly avenged these three wise men: the Athenians died of hunger; the Samians were overwhelmed by the sea; the Jews, ruined and driven from their land, live in complete dispersion. But Socrates did not die for good; he lived on in the statue of Hera. Nor did the wise King die for good; he lived on in the teaching which he had given

ملخص ما قاله عن يسوع هو الاتى
Jesus was considered to be a wise and virtuous man
يسوع كان يعتبر راجل حكيم وذو فضيلة

He is addressed twice as the Jews’ King, possibly a reference to Jesus’ own teachings about himself, to that of his followers or even to the wording on the titulus placed over Jesus’ head on the cross.
دعاه ملك اليهود مرتين ربما اشارة لتعليم يسوع الخاص عن نفسه او اتباعه او الكلمات التى وضعها titulus فوق راس يسوع على الصليب

Jesus was executed unjustly by the Jews, who paid for their misdeeds by suffering judgment soon afterward, probably at least as reference to the fall of Jerusalem to the Roman armies
يسوع اعدم بغير عدل من قبل اليهود الذى دفع من اجل اثامهم حكم فيما بعد ربما يشير لسقوط اورشليم فى ايد الرومان

Jesus lived on in the teachings of the early Christians, which is an indication that Mara Bar-Serapion was almost certainly not a Christian
عاش على تعاليمه المسيحين الاوائل ومن المؤكد تقريبا ان Mara Bar-Serapion لم يكن مسيحيا

1-رجل حكيم وذو فضيلة
2-هو ملك اليهود
3-اعدموه اليهود بغير عدل

يقول بروس عن هذة الوثيقة

the statements about Jesus do not appear to be flawed and thus add to our extra-New Testament data about him.

العبارات عن يسوع لا تبدو انها معيبة لذلك اضيفت للمعلومات عن يسوع الاتية من خارج العهد الجديد

walaa farouk 18 - 05 - 2017 04:00 PM

رد: يسوع التاريخ فى وثيقة غير انجيلية تعود للقرن الاول
ميرسى على مشاركتك الجميلة مرمر

Mary Naeem 19 - 05 - 2017 12:29 PM

رد: يسوع التاريخ فى وثيقة غير انجيلية تعود للقرن الاول

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